

另外,多态虽然非常方便,并且可以减少代码量,将公共部分抽象出来。但那是为了利用这种特性,必须要求类去实现特定的接口,是一种不必要的代码耦合,这是一种糟糕的设计。从Spring和其他容器框架中吸取的教训之一是,为了提供通用功能,不能将自己绑定到特定的类型层次结构。 您应该能够只编写POJO并让框架解决如何处理它们,而不是拥有扩展抽象类或实现一堆接口的类。 在Spring中,我们使用注释,约定或XML映射文件来告诉框架如何理解特定POJO正在尝试做什么。 这样做的优点是,你不用绑定任何东西运行再Spring容器中。

但是对于动态语言 Python 来说,这是不需要的, Python 是动态类型的。不需要特定的类型层次结构也可以实现多态。如果两个方法拥有同样的签名signature, 这意味着他们可能在做同一件事情。这个概念叫 Duck Typing (鸭子类型). 不用确定 IS-A 的关系,而是 Like-A 的关系。

rather than determining whether something IS-A duck, we just care that it WALKS-like-a duck and QUACKS-like-a duck.

class Duck:
  def quack(self): return "a loud Quaaaaaaaaaaaaack!"
  def walk(self): return "waddle"

class Person:
  def quack(self): return "a person making a quacking sound."
  def walk(self): return "walk"

def tellAStoryAbout(something):
  print("One day while walking in the forest I heard " + something.quack())
  print("Intrigued, I turned round to see a dark shape " + something.walk() + " off into the bushes.")


在 Golang 中没有继承的概念,类的层次结构不需要显式申明,只需要实现相同的接口函数就意味着他们拥有相同的父亲。Golang 的接口使用起来非常方便,如果你想让某个类看起来像是某个父类的孩子,你只要实现该接口就行了。

When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.

package main

import "fmt"

type Something interface {
  Quack() string
  Walk() string

type Duck struct {
func (d Duck) Quack() string {
  return "a loud Quaaaaaaaaaaaaack!"
func (d Duck) Walk() string {
  return "waddle"

type Person struct {
func (p Person) Quack() string {
  return "a person making a quacking sound."
func (p Person) Walk() string {
  return "walk"

func tellAStoryAbout(something Something) {
  fmt.Println("One day while walking in the forest I heard " + something.Quack())
  fmt.Println("Intrigued, I turned round to see a dark shape " + something.Walk() + " off into the bushes.")

func main() {
  duck := Duck{}
  person := Person{}

对于 Java 这种强类型语言,提供鸭子类型的支持不会像Python这么直接。当然利用反射机制,我们可以直接调用任何类的方法,但是这么做的话就不那么优雅了。我们可以使用动态代理来代理某个需要代理的鸭子类型的类,这样那些鸭子类型的类只要是含有接口方法实现,我们就可以检查到并使用代理类代替鸭子类型的类来执行方法调用。

package advance.reflection;

interface Something {
    String quack();
    String walk();

class Duck {
    public String quack() {
        return "a loud Quaaaaaaaaaaaaack!";
    public String walk() {
        return "waddle";

class Person {
    public String quack() {
        return "a person making a quacking sound.";
    public String walk() {
        return "walk";

public class DuckTypeTest {
    public static void tellAStoryAbout(Object object) {
        Something something = DuckType.coerce(object).to(Something.class);
        System.out.println("One day while walking in the forest I heard " + something.quack());
        System.out.println("Intrigued, I turned round to see a dark shape " + something.walk() + " off into the bushes.");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Duck duck = new Duck();
        Person person = new Person();


public class DuckType {
    private final Object objectToCoerce;
    private DuckType(Object objectToCoerce) {
        this.objectToCoerce = objectToCoerce;

    private class CoercedProxy implements InvocationHandler {
        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
                throws Throwable {
            Method delegateMethod = findMethodBySignature(method);
            assert delegateMethod != null;
            return delegateMethod.invoke(DuckType.this.objectToCoerce, args);

     * Specify the duck typed object to cast/coerce.
     * @param object the object to coerce.
     * @return
    public static DuckType coerce(Object object) {
        return new DuckType(object);

    * Coerce the Duck Typed object to the given interface providing it
    * implements all the necessary methods.
     * @param <T>
    * @param 
    * @param iface
    * @return an instance of the given interface that wraps the duck typed
    *         class
    * @throws ClassCastException if the object being coerced does not implement
    *             all the methods in the given interface.
    public <T> T to(Class iface) {
        assert iface.isInterface() : "Cannot coerce object to a class, must be an interface";
        if (isA(iface)) {
            return (T) iface.cast(objectToCoerce);
        if (quacksLikeA(iface)) {
            return generateProxy(iface);
        throw new ClassCastException("Could not coerce object of type " 
                        + objectToCoerce.getClass() + " to " + iface);

    public boolean isA(Class iface) {
        return objectToCoerce.getClass().isInstance(iface);

    * Determine whether the duck typed object can be used with
    * the given interface.
    * @param  Type of the interface to check.
    * @param iface Interface class to check
    * @return true if the object will support all the methods in the
    * interface, false otherwise.

    public boolean quacksLikeA(Class iface) {
        for (Method method : iface.getMethods()) {
            if (findMethodBySignature(method) == null) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public Method findMethodBySignature(Method method) {
        try {
            return objectToCoerce.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            return null;

    private <T> T generateProxy(Class iface) {
        return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(iface.getClassLoader(),
                    new Class[] {iface}, new CoercedProxy());

-Dependency Injection, Duck Typing, and Clean Code in Go