迭代器在Python中非常常见,在增强for loop 中,其实就是隐式的在使用迭代器,for loop通常会被转化为基本的while loop从而使用迭代器。
for index(es) in iterable: # indexes for unpacked assignment: e.g, key,value block-body [else: block-else]
其实被翻译成了更原始的while loop.
_hidden = iter(iterable) # ultimately calls iterable.__iter__() try: while True: index(es) = next(_hidden) # ultimatelyl calls _hidden.__next__() block-body except StopIteration: pass # A place-holder, when [] is discarded; [block-else]
其中, iter() 函数和 next() 函数一样,都调用对象内部的 __iter__() 和 __next__().
def iter(i): return i.__iter__() def next(i): return i.__next__()
def abs_diff1(iterable): alist = list(iterable)#有些iterable不支持切片(eg. tuple-comprehension),因此这里先做转换 return [abs(a-b) for a, b in zip(alist, alist[1:])] def abs_diff2(iterable): result = [] i = iter(iterable) v2 = next(i) try: while True: v1, v2 = v2, next(i) result.append(abs(v1-v2)) except StopIteration: pass return result alist = range(10, 1, -2) %time abs_diff1(alist) #%time abs_diff2(alist)
CPU times: user 6 µs, sys: 2 µs, total: 8 µs Wall time: 10 µs [2, 2, 2, 2]
def count(n): i = 0 while i < n: yield i i += 1 for i in count(10): print i,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for i in range(1,6): print(i) if i == 4: break else: print('exec else') #v1 _hidden = iter(range(1,6)) try: while True: i = next(_hidden) print(i) if i == 4: break except StopIteration: print('exec else') #v2 _hidden = iter(range(1,6)) while True: try: i = next(_hidden) print(i) if i == 4: break except StopIteration: print('exec else') break
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Python 2 实现 __iter__() 和 next() 函数,就是 Iterables 对象。Iteration Protocol. Python 3版本next被更改成了__next__()方法。
class countdown(object): def __init__(self, start): self.count = start def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.count < 0: raise StopIteration r = self.count self.count -= 1 return r class Countdown: def __init__(self,last): self.last = last # self.last never changes # __iter__ must return an object on which __next__ can be called; it returns # self, which is an object of the Countdown class, which defines __next__. # Later we will see a problem with returning self (when the same Countdown # object is iterated over simultaneously), and how to solve that problem. def __iter__(self): self.n = self.last # n attribute is added to the namespace here return self # (not in __init__) and processed in __next__ def next(self): if self.n < 0: raise StopIteration else: answer = self.n # or, without the temporary, but more confusing self.n -= 1 # self.n -= 1 return answer # return self.n+1 for i in countdown(5): print i, print for a in countdown(2): for b in countdown(2): print(a,b) c = countdown(2) # c = Countdown(2) for a in c: for b in c: print(a, b) print('--------------') r = range(2,-1,-1) for a in r: for b in r: print(a, b) print('--------------') c = countdown(2) # c = Countdown(2) _hidden_1 = iter(c) try: while True: a = next(_hidden_1) _hidden_2 = iter(c) try: while True: b = next(_hidden_2) print(a, b) except StopIteration: print('inner exec') except StopIteration: print('outer exec')
5 4 3 2 1 0 (2, 2) (2, 1) (2, 0) (1, 2) (1, 1) (1, 0) (0, 2) (0, 1) (0, 0) (2, 1) (2, 0) -------------- (2, 2) (2, 1) (2, 0) (1, 2) (1, 1) (1, 0) (0, 2) (0, 1) (0, 0) -------------- (2, 1) (2, 0) inner exec outer exec
可以看出,以上的 countdown 是有问题的,我们必须让每次 for loop 都从新的 iterator 开始,即每个for loop 中的 iterator有其自己的状态,相互之间不干扰,我们方法就是在外部类的__iter__()方法中定义一个local nested class。然后在这个内部类中只用实现 __init__() 和 next() 方法即可。外部类就不用next了,代码直接放入内部类的next()代码中,这样每一次 iter()的调用,就会返回一个新对象,状态互不干扰。
__iter__ method defining a LOCAL or NESTED CLASS (these classes define only
an __init__ and__next__ methods) and returning a new object constructed from
this local/nested class every time __iter__ is called.
class NewCountdown(object): def __init__(self, last): self.last = last def __iter__(self): class CD_iter: def __init__(self, last): self.count = last def next(self): if self.count < 0: raise StopIteration r = self.count self.count -= 1 return r return CD_iter(self.last) c = NewCountdown(2) for a in c: for b in c: print(a,b)
(2, 2) (2, 1) (2, 0) (1, 2) (1, 1) (1, 0) (0, 2) (0, 1) (0, 0)
用于一次性操作,list可以多次遍历,但是要想再一次遍历已经运行完的generator必须重新生成该generator。generator 是 iterable 的,因此可以当 iterable 使用。但是他并不是一个iterator对象,而是generator对象。
- pydoc
- generators
a = [1,2,3,4] iterator = [2*x for x in a] iterator
[2, 4, 6, 8]
generator = (2*x for x in a) generator
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x10b4c3dc0>
- General syntax
(expression for i in s if condition)
- What it means
for i in s: if condition: yield expression ``` >A yield-expression must always be parenthesized except when it occurs at the top-level expression on the right-hand side of an assignment. So [PEP342]( ```python #legal x = yield 42 x = yield x = 12 + (yield 42) x = 12 + (yield) foo(yield 42) foo(yield) # illegal x = 12 + yield 42 x = 12 + yield foo(yield 42, 12) foo(yield, 12)
def echo(value=None): print "Execution starts when 'next()' is called for the first time." try: while True: try: value = (yield value) except Exception, e: value = e finally: print "Don't forget to clean up when 'close()' is called."
import math def is_prime(number): if number <= 1: return False for current in range(2, int(math.sqrt(number))+1): if number % current == 0: return False return True def get_primes(number): while True: if is_prime(number): number = yield number number += 1 def print_successive_primes(iterations, base=10): prime_generator = get_primes(base) prime_generator.send(None) for power in range(iterations): print(prime_generator.send(base ** power)) print_successive_primes(4) def primes(max=None): p = 2 while max == None or p <= max: if is_prime(p): yield p p += 1 pg = primes(10) print(next(pg)) print(next(pg)) print(next(pg)) print(next(pg))
2 11 101 1009 2 3 5 7
from inspect import isfunction, isgenerator print('primes', type(primes)) print('primes()', type(primes())) print('isfunction(primes)', isfunction(primes)) print('isgenerator(primes())', isgenerator(primes())) print(dir(primes()))
('primes', <type 'function'>) ('primes()', <type 'generator'>) ('isfunction(primes)', True) ('isgenerator(primes())', True) ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__name__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'close', 'gi_code', 'gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'next', 'send', 'throw']
需要注意的是,primes 是一个函数对象,而 primes() 是一个 generator 对象。primes函数调用之后,由于内部含有yield
关键字而被认为是一个generator函数,此时函数体并没有执行,而是返回一个generator对象!而后要使用generator执行他的代码,需要显式或隐式调用 next()
或者 send()
对于生成器调用,调用之后,执行到 yield
generator application for system programming
Python version of Unix 'tail -f'
import time def follow(thefile):,2) # 设置文件指针到文件末尾 while True: line = thefile.readline() # 以下是模拟阻塞,因为一旦thefile.readline()读到文件末尾,就会返回None。 # 为了模拟能够一直读到最新的尾部数据,必须不断的poll,这里每隔0.1s轮询一次。 if not line: time.sleep(0.1) continue yield line logfile = open("access-log") for line in follow(logfile): print line, logfile.close()
pearl java python lua --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-11-7b507f742f61> in <module>() 9 yield line 10 logfile = open("access-log") ---> 11 for line in follow(logfile): 12 print line, 13 logfile.close() <ipython-input-11-7b507f742f61> in follow(thefile) 5 line = thefile.readline() 6 if not line: ----> 7 time.sleep(0.1) 8 continue 9 yield line KeyboardInterrupt:
def grep(pattern, lines): for line in lines: if pattern in line: yield line # tail -f | grep python logfile = open("access-log") loglines = follow(logfile) pylines = grep("python", loglines) for line in pylines: print line
python --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-12-cfb4e4626dc8> in <module>() 8 pylines = grep("python", loglines) 9 ---> 10 for line in pylines: 11 print line <ipython-input-12-cfb4e4626dc8> in grep(pattern, lines) 1 def grep(pattern, lines): ----> 2 for line in lines: 3 if pattern in line: 4 yield line 5 # tail -f | grep python <ipython-input-11-7b507f742f61> in follow(thefile) 5 line = thefile.readline() 6 if not line: ----> 7 time.sleep(0.1) 8 continue 9 yield line KeyboardInterrupt:
def consumer(): r = 'initial' while True: n = yield r if not n: return print('[CONSUMER] Consuming %s...' % n) r = '200 OK' def produce(c): ''' 为什么启动时候需要send(None)? 新建一个生成器之后,函数并没有执行,此时,生成器并没有处于yield状态即断点状态,不需要接受传递值,因此传入None,并使其执行到yield进入断点状态。 本例中c.send(None)会使得函数执行到 "n = yield r", 也就是抛出一个 r 给发送者作为返回值,然后中断。当再一次调用c.send(1)的时候,生成器从断点恢复,, 首先接受发送过来的值1,执行 n = 1 的赋值语句,然后继续往下执行,直到循环回来再一次碰到yield,抛出r='200 OK'.然后中断进入断点状态(这个状态就是等待一个接受值,然后从断点语句 n = receive开始往后执行)。 ''' print c.send(None) # 生成器刚刚启动的时候,只能传递None,否则TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator # print next(c) n = 0 while n < 5: n = n + 1 print('[PRODUCER] Producing %s...' % n) r = c.send(n) print('[PRODUCER] Consumer return: %s' % r) c.close() c = consumer() produce(c)
initial [PRODUCER] Producing 1... [CONSUMER] Consuming 1... [PRODUCER] Consumer return: 200 OK [PRODUCER] Producing 2... [CONSUMER] Consuming 2... [PRODUCER] Consumer return: 200 OK [PRODUCER] Producing 3... [CONSUMER] Consuming 3... [PRODUCER] Consumer return: 200 OK [PRODUCER] Producing 4... [CONSUMER] Consuming 4... [PRODUCER] Consumer return: 200 OK [PRODUCER] Producing 5... [CONSUMER] Consuming 5... [PRODUCER] Consumer return: 200 OK
新建一个生成器之后,函数并没有执行,此时,生成器并没有处于yield状态即断点状态,不需要接受传递值,因此传入None,并使其执行到yield进入断点状态。 本例中c.send(None)会使得函数执行到 "n = yield r", 也就是抛出一个 r 给发送者作为返回值,然后中断。当再一次调用c.send(1)的时候,生成器从断点恢复,, 首先接受发送过来的值1,执行 n = 1 的赋值语句,然后继续往下执行,直到循环回来再一次碰到yield,抛出r='200 OK'.然后中断进入断点状态(这个状态就是等待一个接受值,然后从断点语句 n = receive开始往后执行)。 由于next也能让生成器开始执行,因此启动生成器的时候,使用next() 和 send(None) 是一样的效果。
有经常需要先 或者 generator.send(None) 启动一个协程,很容易忘记,因此可以自己写一个装饰器来用。
def coroutine(func): def start(*args, **kwargs): cr = func(*args, **kwargs) return cr return start @coroutine def grep(pattern): print "Looking for %s" % pattern try: while True: line = (yield) if pattern in line: print line, except GeneratorExit: print "Going away. Goodbye"
g = grep("python") g.send("python generator rock!")
Looking for python python generator rock!
抛出异常,可以使用throw() 函数。
g.throw(RuntimeError, "You're hosed")
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-17-83761f9b0edc> in <module>() ----> 1 g.throw(RuntimeError, "You're hosed") <ipython-input-14-34c09fc3efc5> in grep(pattern) 11 try: 12 while True: ---> 13 line = (yield) 14 if pattern in line: 15 print line, RuntimeError: You're hosed
def down(n): print "countingd down from", n while n >= 0: newvalue = (yield n) if newvalue is not None: n = newvalue else: n -= 1 c = down(5) for n in c: print n if n == 5: c.send(3)
countingd down from 5 5 2 1 0
- Generators produce data for iteration
- Coroutines are consumers of data
import time def follow(thefile, target):,2) while True: line = thefile.readline() if not line: time.sleep(0.1) continue target.send(line) @coroutine def printer(): while True: line = (yield) print line, f = open("access-log") follow(f, printer()) f.close()
python --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-20-27b5a2021e19> in <module>() 16 17 f = open("access-log") ---> 18 follow(f, printer()) 19 f.close() <ipython-input-20-27b5a2021e19> in follow(thefile, target) 5 line = thefile.readline() 6 if not line: ----> 7 time.sleep(0.1) 8 continue 9 target.send(line) KeyboardInterrupt:
@coroutine def grep(pattern, target): while True: line = (yield) if pattern in line: target.send(line) f = open("access-log") follow(f, grep('python', printer())) f.close()
@coroutine def broadcast(targets): while True: item = (yield) for target in targets: target.send(item) f = open("access-log") follow(f, broadcast([ grep('python', printer()), grep('rnn', printer()), grep('cnn', printer()) ]) )
class Task(object): taskid = 0 def __init__(self, target): Task.taskid += 1 self.tid = Task.taskid = target self.sendval = None def run(self): return
from Queue import Queue class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self): self.ready = Queue() # 所有等待调度的Task self.taskmap = {} # 跟踪所有活跃状态的Task def new(self, target): newtask = Task(target) # create a new task self.taskmap[newtask.tid] = newtask # keep track self.schedule(newtask) # 调度,即放入ready队列中 return newtask.tid def schedule(self, task): self.ready.put(task) def mainloop(self): while self.taskmap: task = self.ready.get() # 从队列中取出任务调度 result = # 执行任务到 yield self.schedule(task) # 调度任务
def foo(): while True: print "foo" yield def bar(): while True: print "bar" yield sched = Scheduler() #sched.mainloop()
def foo1(): for i in range(3): print "foo1" yield sched = Scheduler() sched.mainloop()
foo1 bar foo1 bar foo1 bar --------------------------------------------------------------------------- StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-37-d6d5e458832d> in <module>() 6 7 ----> 8 sched.mainloop() <ipython-input-36-f7715003ba50> in mainloop(self) 17 while self.taskmap: 18 task = self.ready.get() # 从队列中取出任务调度 ---> 19 result = # 执行任务到 yield 20 self.schedule(task) # 调度任务 <ipython-input-32-ee4ede936ba7> in run(self) 9 10 def run(self): ---> 11 return StopIteration:
from Queue import Queue class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self): self.ready = Queue() # 所有等待调度的Task self.taskmap = {} # 跟踪所有活跃状态的Task def new(self, target): newtask = Task(target) # create a new task self.taskmap[newtask.tid] = newtask # keep track self.schedule(newtask) # 调度,即放入ready队列中 return newtask.tid def schedule(self, task): self.ready.put(task) def exit(self, task): print "Task %d terminated" % task.tid del self.taskmap[task.tid] def mainloop(self): while self.taskmap: task = self.ready.get() # 从队列中取出任务调度 try: result = # 执行任务到 yield except StopIteration: self.exit(task) continue self.schedule(task) # 调度任务
def ping(): for i in range(4): print "ping" yield def pong(): for i in range(8): print "pong" yield sched = Scheduler() sched.mainloop()
ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong Task 7 terminated pong pong pong pong Task 8 terminated
class SystemCall(object): def handle(self): pass class GetTid(SystemCall): def handle(self): self.task.sendval = self.task.tid self.sched.schedule(self.task) from Queue import Queue class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self): self.ready = Queue() # 所有等待调度的Task self.taskmap = {} # 跟踪所有活跃状态的Task def new(self, target): newtask = Task(target) # create a new task self.taskmap[newtask.tid] = newtask # keep track self.schedule(newtask) # 调度,即放入ready队列中 return newtask.tid def schedule(self, task): self.ready.put(task) def exit(self, task): print "Task %d terminated" % task.tid del self.taskmap[task.tid] def mainloop(self): while self.taskmap: task = self.ready.get() # 从队列中取出任务调度 try: result = # 执行任务到 yield if isinstance(result, SystemCall): result.task = task result.sched = self result.handle() continue except StopIteration: self.exit(task) continue self.schedule(task) # 调度任务 def didi(): mytid = yield GetTid() for i in range(5): print "didi", mytid yield def dada(): mytid = yield GetTid() for i in range(10): print "dada", mytid yield sched = Scheduler() sched.mainloop()
didi 9 dada 10 didi 9 dada 10 didi 9 dada 10 didi 9 dada 10 didi 9 dada 10 Task 9 terminated dada 10 dada 10 dada 10 dada 10 dada 10 Task 10 terminated
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # - The Python Operating System # # Step 5: Added system calls for simple task management # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Tasks === # ------------------------------------------------------------ class Task(object): taskid = 0 def __init__(self,target): Task.taskid += 1 self.tid = Task.taskid # Task ID = target # Target coroutine self.sendval = None # Value to send # Run a task until it hits the next yield statement def run(self): return # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Scheduler === # ------------------------------------------------------------ from Queue import Queue class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self): self.ready = Queue() self.taskmap = {} def new(self,target): newtask = Task(target) self.taskmap[newtask.tid] = newtask self.schedule(newtask) return newtask.tid def exit(self,task): print "Task %d terminated" % task.tid del self.taskmap[task.tid] def schedule(self,task): self.ready.put(task) def mainloop(self): while self.taskmap: task = self.ready.get() try: result = if isinstance(result,SystemCall): result.task = task result.sched = self result.handle() continue except StopIteration: self.exit(task) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # - The Python Operating System # # Step 5: Added system calls for simple task management # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Tasks === # ------------------------------------------------------------ class Task(object): taskid = 0 def __init__(self,target): Task.taskid += 1 self.tid = Task.taskid # Task ID = target # Target coroutine self.sendval = None # Value to send # Run a task until it hits the next yield statement def run(self): return # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Scheduler === # ------------------------------------------------------------ from Queue import Queue class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self): self.ready = Queue() self.taskmap = {} def new(self,target): newtask = Task(target) self.taskmap[newtask.tid] = newtask self.schedule(newtask) return newtask.tid def exit(self,task): print "Task %d terminated" % task.tid del self.taskmap[task.tid] def schedule(self,task): self.ready.put(task) def mainloop(self): while self.taskmap: task = self.ready.get() try: result = if isinstance(result,SystemCall): result.task = task result.sched = self result.handle() continue except StopIteration: self.exit(task) continue self.schedule(task) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === System Calls === # ------------------------------------------------------------ class SystemCall(object): def handle(self): pass # Return a task's ID number class GetTid(SystemCall): def handle(self): self.task.sendval = self.task.tid self.sched.schedule(self.task) # Create a new task class NewTask(SystemCall): def __init__(self,target): = target def handle(self): tid = self.task.sendval = tid self.sched.schedule(self.task) # Kill a task class KillTask(SystemCall): def __init__(self,tid): self.tid = tid def handle(self): task = self.sched.taskmap.get(self.tid,None) if task: self.task.sendval = True else: self.task.sendval = False self.sched.schedule(self.task) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === System Calls === # ------------------------------------------------------------ class SystemCall(object): def handle(self): pass # Return a task's ID number class GetTid(SystemCall): def handle(self): self.task.sendval = self.task.tid self.sched.schedule(self.task) # Create a new task class NewTask(SystemCall): def __init__(self,target): = target def handle(self): tid = self.task.sendval = tid self.sched.schedule(self.task) # Kill a task class KillTask(SystemCall): def __init__(self,tid): self.tid = tid def handle(self): task = self.sched.taskmap.get(self.tid,None) if task: self.task.sendval = True else: self.task.sendval = False self.sched.schedule(self.task) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Example === # ------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': def foo(): mytid = yield GetTid() while True: print "I'm foo", mytid yield def main(): child = yield NewTask(foo()) # Launch new task print 'child', child for i in xrange(5): print "i'm main", i yield yield KillTask(child) # Kill the task print "main done" sched = Scheduler() sched.mainloop()
child 2 i'm main 0 I'm foo 2 i'm main 1 I'm foo 2 i'm main 2 I'm foo 2 i'm main 3 I'm foo 2 i'm main 4 I'm foo 2 Task 2 terminated main done Task 1 terminated
添加一个等待系统调用,此时需要一个记录{waited_task_id,[waiting_task_id]}的词典记录所有的等待被等待关系,并且使用一个 waiting 队列调度所有的等待任务。被等待任务在退出的时候,必须通知等待的任务即重新调度执行等待的任务。
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # - The Python Operating System # # Added support for task waiting # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Tasks === # ------------------------------------------------------------ class Task(object): taskid = 0 def __init__(self,target): Task.taskid += 1 self.tid = Task.taskid # Task ID = target # Target coroutine self.sendval = None # Value to send # Run a task until it hits the next yield statement def run(self): return # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Scheduler === # ------------------------------------------------------------ from Queue import Queue class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self): self.ready = Queue() self.taskmap = {} # Tasks waiting for other tasks to exit self.exit_waiting = {} def new(self,target): newtask = Task(target) self.taskmap[newtask.tid] = newtask self.schedule(newtask) return newtask.tid def exit(self,task): print "Task %d terminated" % task.tid del self.taskmap[task.tid] # Notify other tasks waiting for exit for task in self.exit_waiting.pop(task.tid,[]): self.schedule(task) def waitforexit(self,task,waittid): if waittid in self.taskmap: self.exit_waiting.setdefault(waittid,[]).append(task) return True else: return False def schedule(self,task): self.ready.put(task) def mainloop(self): while self.taskmap: task = self.ready.get() try: result = if isinstance(result,SystemCall): result.task = task result.sched = self result.handle() continue except StopIteration: self.exit(task) continue self.schedule(task) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === System Calls === # ------------------------------------------------------------ class SystemCall(object): def handle(self): pass # Return a task's ID number class GetTid(SystemCall): def handle(self): self.task.sendval = self.task.tid self.sched.schedule(self.task) # Create a new task class NewTask(SystemCall): def __init__(self,target): = target def handle(self): tid = self.task.sendval = tid self.sched.schedule(self.task) # Kill a task class KillTask(SystemCall): def __init__(self,tid): self.tid = tid def handle(self): task = self.sched.taskmap.get(self.tid,None) if task: self.task.sendval = True else: self.task.sendval = False self.sched.schedule(self.task) # Wait for a task to exit class WaitTask(SystemCall): def __init__(self,tid): self.tid = tid def handle(self): result = self.sched.waitforexit(self.task,self.tid) self.task.sendval = result # If waiting for a non-existent task, # return immediately without waiting if not result: self.sched.schedule(self.task) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # === Example === # ------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': def foo(): for i in xrange(5): print "I'm foo" yield def main(): child = yield NewTask(foo()) print "Waiting for child" yield WaitTask(child) print "Child done" sched = Scheduler() sched.mainloop()
I'm foo Waiting for child I'm foo I'm foo I'm foo I'm foo Task 2 terminated Child done Task 1 terminated
One of the most critical parts of writing an OS is both protecting the system and keeping user applications isolated. In the sample code, the Scheduler class represents a kind of "operating system." You will notice that the tasks defined in this course never directly interact with this scheduler (other than using yield to execute scheduler traps). That is, they do not hold references to the scheduler object, they do not invoke methods on the scheduler, they do not inspect internal scheduler data, and they don't hold references to other tasks. For all practical purposes, the scheduler and the tasks are two completely different execution domains. There is a good reason for keeping this separation. Namely it promotes a loose coupling between tasks and their execution environment. One could imagine creating other kinds of task schedulers that run tasks within threads or subprocesses. If you've set things up right and taken great care to promote the separation of tasks and scheduling, such schedulers would be able to run existing tasks without modification.
操作系统和应用的分离,在任务代码中,没有任何与scheduler直接交互的地方,即没有直接调用内核的代码,而是通过内核提供的接口SystemCall完成。或者通过简单的 yield 内陷trap。
def main(): r = yield mul_add(2,2,3) print r yield def mul_add(x,y,z): r = yield add(x,y) yield r*z def add(x,y): yield x+y m = main() sub = m.send(None) subsub = sub.send(None) rsubsub = subsub.send(None) rsub = sub.send(rsubsub) r = m.send(rsub) r